

MerxTeam wants customers to feel safe with our products and cooperation.
We work actively with quality, the environment and to create a good working climate.

Quality policy

  • MerxTeam AB's quality policy is built on the following foundations:
  • To strive to always live up to the customer's requirements and expectations.
  • An active leadership and committed employees.
  • Create good profitability for the customer and for MerxTeam AB.
  • Constantly develop and improve service and assortment.
  • To actively work for continuous quality improvements, within the framework of the quality management system, establish progressively stricter quality requirements.
  • Since 2011, MerxTeam AB has been quality certified according to ISO 9001.


Environmental policy

In its operations, MerxTeam AB must work to protect and contribute to good care of the external and internal environment by:

  • Increase knowledge and awareness of environmental issues among our employees and suppliers.
  • Continuously work to improve our resource utilization and prevent pollution.
  • Optimize transport of our products to reduce hazardous emissions and use of fossil fuels.
  • To actively work for continuous environmental improvements, within the framework of the environmental management system, to establish and follow up on progressively stricter environmental targets.
  • Comply with applicable environmental legislation as well as regulations and other requirements that affect the organization.
  • Use green electricity.
  • Since 2011, MerxTeam AB has been certified according to the international environmental standard ISO 14001.
  • MerxTeam AB is connected to FTI, the business community's collection system for recycling packaging.


Work environment policy

Within MerxTeam, we believe that a good physical, mental and social work environment lays the foundation for a developing and pleasant workplace with safe and engaged employees. Therefore, we consider it important to continuously evaluate the work environment within MerxTeam, follow up measures and objectives in the work environment work and work for continuous improvements of the work environment.

Our organization consists of people and our work environment must be characterized by a good atmosphere, participation and creativity and we must work together for a stimulating work environment. Our values, consideration, respect and openness shall characterize and form the basis of our personnel work.

MerxTeam's goal with the systematic work environment work is to:

  • Prevent work-related ill health and accidents
  • Work for a good physical and psychological work environment

Financial sustainability

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Social sustainability

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Print information

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Head office / Showroom

MerxTeam AB
Galvaniseringsgatan 5
Tel: +46 31 50 67 00

Org nr: 556184-8556
VAT nr: SE556184855601

Showroom Stockholm

MerxTeam AB
Karlbergsvägen 18

Showroom Norway

MerxTeam AS Restaurant
Strandveien 8
Tel: +47 93 01 88 30

MerxTeam AS Profile
Villa Gabel
Drammensveien 118 Skøyen
0273 OSLO
Tel: +47 407 69 003

Office Poland

MerxTeam Polska Sp.zo.o.
Ul. Jana Nowaka Jeziorańskiego 9 lok. 37
03-984 Warszawa
Tel: +48 22 811 20 68
Tel: +48 22 811 39 08

Copyright © 2023 - Merx Team AB